Parent Handbook
Click here to access the Jane Ryan Parent Handbook.
Jane Ryan School Handbook for Families
Jane Ryan School
190 Park Lane
Trumbull, CT 06611
Dear Jane Ryan Families,
Welcome to Jane Ryan School! This handbook is for families to read and review with your child where appropriate. As you review this document and accompanying links to policies, please note that all policies are maintained on the TPS District website at In case of conflict between statements in this Handbook and policies of the Board of Education, policies of the Board of Education shall prevail.
It is the responsibility of a parent/guardian to report his/her child’s absence to the school by contacting the school office prior to 9:30 a.m. by:
● Telephoning the school secretaries and leaving a message (203-452-4400); or
If the absence is related to Covid-19, please call the school nurse
● Emailing the school secretaries ( and ( For absences one (1) through nine (9) in a school year, a student’s absences from school are considered excused when the student’s parent/guardian approves such absence and submits appropriate documentation, based on the Trumbull Public Schools attendance policy;
For the tenth (10th) absence and all absences thereafter in a school year, a student’s absences from school are considered excused for the following reasons: student illness if verified by an appropriately licensed medical professional; student’s observance of a religious holiday; death in the student’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family; mandated court appearance if supported by appropriate additional documentation; the lack of transportation that is normally provided by a district other than the one the student attends; or extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by District administrators in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education guidelines.
Accidents, Administration of Medication, Sudden Illness, Health Assessments and Immunizations: School Nurses are employees of the Town of Trumbull Department of Nursing Services. They are guided by expectations and policies set under TPS, Trumbull Health Department and the Department of Nursing Services. The following TPS policies guide their actions:
Allergies and Food:
To protect students and staff from exposure to known allergens, we post food types that are not allowed in certain classrooms. For more information about Food Management, see;
Arrival at School:
● Students arrive beginning at 8:20 AM. Supervision begins at 8:20 when the doors open. If you need child care before 8:20 please contact the TLC Before and After School Program (203-452-9626). If a student comes to school for prearranged extra help, the teacher will meet the student and open the door. The same is true for parent/teacher meetings.
● The bell rings at 8:35 AM. Please help your children arrive at school on time. It is very disruptive to all student learning when children arrive late. Late students must stop at the office and receive a late pass before going to their classroom. Office personnel will mark the child tardy and ensure the child finds
the class. Classes may be testing or out at specials and we need to monitor these situations.
● Drop-off at the back begins at 8:20. For the safety of both the children and driver, we ask that drivers not exit their vehicles. Also, drivers should not pass other drivers. Please have your child exit the car on the passenger side. We realize some of our students are in car seats, so we have adults in the drop-off circle to help open doors and help children exit, if needed.
● For safety reasons, parents cannot escort their children to classrooms. If a student needs assistance someone in the office will help. Dropping into classrooms is not allowed. It is disruptive to the teaching/learning process and for security reasons is not allowed. If you need to speak to your child’s teacher, please call and make an appointment, or send an email requesting a meeting.
● Please help your children by making sure all school materials (i.e. lunch money, dismissal notes, homework, glasses) are placed in backpacks the night before and are labeled with the child’s name. We will be working on minimizing class disruptions by asking students to refrain from calling home for items after the school day has begun. In addition, it really helps your child when he/she knows clear dismissal plans each day.
The Connecticut General Statutes, Sections 10-184, 10-186, and 10-210, require students over five (5) and under eighteen (18) years of age to attend school on a regular basis. The primary responsibility for adherence to regular attendance rests with the student’s parent/guardian and the individual student. The District will comply with Connecticut State Statutes related to compulsory school attendance.
Automated Calls/Text Messages:
It is important to make sure that your contact information (home/cell phone numbers and email) is up to date. If you have any changes to your contact information please update through the parent portal or contact an office secretary (203-452-4400) to update our records. More information about automated calls/messages can be found at:
● Please do not send any food treats to celebrate your child’s birthday. Check with the teacher for other options.
Building Use - Room Reservations:
All room reservations must be made through the school office. Please see the school secretary ( for Application for Use of Facilities form. See the following policy for more information:
In accordance with Connecticut State law and the TPS Board’s Safe School Climate Plan, the Board expressly prohibits any form of bullying, teen dating violence, or retaliation.
See the TPS policy on Bullying and Teen Violence for further information including reporting forms:
Bus Transportation:
Trumbull Public Schools has a Transportation Office that can be reached at 203-452-4321. Parents can contact this department for the day-to-day business of transporting students to and from school. If a parent has a behavioral concern related to transportation, contact the Jane Ryan office (203-452-4400) where staff will investigate. Children must ride their assigned busses and are prohibited from using the bus as transportation for “play dates”. Parents may not get on their child’s bus for safety reasons. Please talk to the driver from the doorway of the bus. For further information about bus policies and practices go to: Additionally, we practice bus evacuation drills to help students understand the safety expectations while riding on a school bus. More information can be found at:
Cafeteria/Lunch Policies:
● We have a “no sharing food” rule in our school. Parents cannot come for lunch with children for the safety of all students. Also, we strongly encourage healthy foods for snacks and lunch. ● Breakfast and lunch are every day). Send checks (payable to Trumbull Food Services) or cash to Cafeteria Manager at school or Pre-pay through (fee charged for deposit)
Cafeteria Seating & Behavior:
● Students sit with their classmates and are expected to follow rules in the cafeteria.
● Seating at class tables will be assigned by the classroom teachers.
● Students are to sit properly on their seat, raise their hand if they need assistance, and speak in a quiet voice only to those students near them at their table.
● Students should leave their table and floor area clean.
● Students may not leave the cafeteria without permission.
● For students who have food allergies we have a designated food allergy table to sit with other students in that child’s grade level
Classroom/Grade Level Celebrations:
All events will be coordinated between the teacher, room parents and the nurse. Any food brought in to school must adhere to the Food Management Policy which can be found at:
● Beyond set conference days, parents may call for teacher conferences any time during the school year. Please do not try to meet with a teacher without an appointment. Arrival and dismissal times are busy times and not conducive to proper communication. Teachers are focused on the safe arrival /dismissal of their students at these times.
● If you need to bring your children to conferences, they must wait outside the door of the classroom you are visiting. Supervision is not available during these times.
Dismissal Procedures:
● The district policy is that all elementary students take a bus to and from school. The Transportation policy does not allow for walkers, however a parent can opt out of transportation for their child. The parent must write a letter to the building principal opting out of transportation and holding the district harmless, if they choose to have their child walk.
● Students who regularly ride the bus need a note if there is a change in dismissal. If there is no note and parents cannot be reached, students are automatically sent home on the bus.
● The regular school day ends at 3:20. Teachers plan lessons up to preparation for dismissal, so PLEASE do not pick up your children early unless absolutely necessary. We greatly appreciate your efforts to plan appointments with this in mind.
Dismissal Changes:
● A note is needed if there is a change in your child’s regularly assigned dismissal procedure. Please send a note on a 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper with the child’s full name, teacher name and date signed by the parent/guardian if there is any “change in plans” for student dismissal and have your child hand it to the teacher in the morning. Do not send emails to teachers, as they may be absent causing the office to not be informed. We understand that at times there are last minute changes in family dismissal arrangements
based on emergencies and ask that these last minute changes be kept to a minimum. Please call the office by 12:00 p.m. for last minute changes. This will enable the office to deliver information to the teacher before afternoon instruction begins. Because instructional time is our priority, we try to keep interruptions to a minimum.
● If your child is enrolled in an afterschool program such as PTA After School Enrichment classes you do not need to send a note on scheduled meeting days. Signing your child up for the program is a commitment to attending the meetings. If your child is not able to stay for the scheduled after school program you need to notify the school in writing, so the instructor can be made aware of the absence.
Students must ride their assigned bus. The only exception to this rule is if there is a family emergency and these must be approved by the principal and the transportation department. This is a safety concern and a space issue. Students are not allowed to switch buses for playdates.
Dress Code:
Students learn better if they are properly dressed for school. No flip-flops, or open backed shoes/sandals, please. Sneakers are highly recommended. It would be helpful if each student could have a change of clothing for emergencies. Short shorts, clothes that show backs, midriffs or bottoms and overly tight clothes cause discomfort and distraction, so they are discouraged. There is a dress code policy available at
Field Trips:
Field trips provide students with first-hand experiences, and are an effective and worthwhile means of learning. For more information about the policy that guides field trips see:
No student or adult organization or any person associated with any organization sanctioned or authorized by the Board of Education shall engage or participate in hazing. The TPS Policy can be found at:
Health Information:
● When your child is ill, please call the voicemail (203-452-4400) and follow the prompts and leave a message detailing the reason for absence.
● District policy states that if a student has a temperature (100 degrees F. or higher) at night, in the morning or is sent home from school with one, they must stay home until they have been “temperature/fever free” for 24 hours.
● Please do not send children to school if they have vomited during the night or in the morning.
● Please report all communicable diseases to the school, even if they occur on a weekend. This includes strep throat, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, chicken pox, fifth’s disease, impetigo, pinworm and pneumonia.
● Please do not send any medication to school with the children - (this includes vitamins, cough drops, and prescription and non-prescription drugs). A parent may come to school at any time to give medication to their child, but the nurse can only give medication if the Doctor and parent have given written permission. If your child will need medication in school, please obtain a special form for this purpose from the nurse.
● A parent cannot give medication to anyone except his or her own child.
● During the colder months, children need to dress warm enough to be outside for 20 minutes of recess.
● During the warmer months, children need to wear proper closed toe shoes to play safely during recess.
The Board of Education encourages the faculty to give meaningful homework to students as an effective learning experience. The general purposes of homework are: to reinforce classroom instruction; to develop
specific skills through practice; to prepare for future lessons; to foster the habits of consistent independent study and time management; and to provide an opportunity for student learning outside the classroom. See the policy on homework for more information:
Hours of Operation:
School Doors Open at 8:20AM
We begin our day at 8:35AM with the ring of a bell. It is important that children are on time. When a child is late it interrupts the teaching and learning of the entire community. Students start morning work after the bell and attendance is taken. Announcements are made by 8:40. Classes start moving to the first specials at 8:45 Afternoon:
We end our day at 3:10 . It is important that children are not picked up prior to this time as they are still working in class. When a child is called for early dismissal it interrupts the teaching and learning of the entire community. Student pick-up is announced at 3:15PM. Buses are called at 3:20PM.
Non-Discrimination and a Harassment Free Environment:
The Trumbull Board of Education promotes non-discrimination and an environment free of harassment based upon an individual’s race, color, religious creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, ancestry, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including, but not limited to, present or past history of mental disability, intellectual disability, learning disability, or physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness), genetic information, or any other basis prohibited by Connecticut State and/or Federal nondiscrimination laws in all of its programs. For further information about this policy: pdf
Over Due or Lost Books:
Parents are responsible to pay for lost or unreturned library books or textbooks. A family that does not pay for lost books may not take books out of our library. If you are unsure if your child has lost a book, please contact our Media Specialist, Mrs. Zielinski.
AM Drop Off Procedures:
● Parents may drop students off at 8:20 in the back by the gym.
● Please assist your child with any support they may need getting out of the car
PM Pick-Up Procedures:
● If picking up a student during the school day, you must park in the front parking lot and come into the office to sign the child out. Do not park along the front curb of the school, as it is a bus and fire lane. The office will call your child for dismissal when you arrive. Parents should not go the classroom to pick up their child
● Students who are being picked up to be driven home instead of taking the school bus must inform the office by filling out a form
Parent Communication Procedure
Parents are expected to address their complaints directly with the person causing concern. TPS expects parents to go to the source, which often means starting communication with the classroom teacher. The policy for this can be found at:
Pay to Participate:
The Trumbull Board of Education will review and, if determined to be financially necessary, approve an annual student participation fee (Pay to Participate) for students participating in any TPS school-sponsored activities. See the policy for more information:
PBIS – Positive Behavior Incentive System:
● The art of providing a safe school environment is to develop a system that teachers characteristics we want our students to demonstrate each day within our school and in our community
● Jane Ryan develops rules and expectations that are grounded in a positive behavioral incentive system.
● Our students receive instruction on how our five characteristics should be present throughout all settings of the school
Published Student Images/Media Coverage:
● Throughout the year there are a variety of activities in the classroom and sponsored by our PTA where students may be photographed. These images are routinely displayed or shown in a variety of settings including, but not limited to staff meetings, bulletin boards and the school’s web site. Student names are not connected with their images. Parents who do not want their child videotaped and those images displayed in the circumstances described are asked to send in a written request to the principal.
● We ask that parents exercise safety in terms of video and photographic material. We ask parents to not take pictures/videos while visiting school or during school hours, as we need to protect our students’ privacy rights.
● The provision of seeking prior permission does not apply to school yearbooks or school newspapers. However, if a parent has a concern about the publication of a student’s image in those settings, that concern should be brought to the attention of the school principal in writing.
Reporting of Child Abuse, Neglect, and Sexual Assault:
The TPS Board of Education requires all personnel who have reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a child under the age of eighteen (18) has been abused, has been neglected, has had non-accidental physical injury, or injury which is at variance with the history given of such injury, is placed in imminent danger of serious harm, or has been sexually abused by a school employee to report such cases in accordance with the law, Board policy, and administrative regulations. The policy relating to this important responsibility can be found at: Sexual_Assault.pdf
● Doors are locked while school is in session. Please never pass a door to someone behind you.
● When visiting the building you must show appropriate picture IDs (not cell phone facsimiles), sign in and report to the office prior to visiting a classroom. The office staff will clear your movement to a classroom after a teacher has given permission for you to enter. Please be patient and wait in the office area with cell phones silenced.
● For the safety of your child, all parents who volunteer and/or chaperone a field trip must complete the TPS School Volunteer Security Check Form:
A paper copy of the form can be found in the school office. All forms must be sent back to the school where they will be forwarded to central administration. All volunteers must be cleared through a background check prior to visiting students or staff. This process can take several weeks so advanced planning is important.
● Cell phone use by students at school or on the bus is not allowed unless permission has been granted by the principal. Under rare conditions a student may bring a cell phone to school if the child, parents and principal have completed the Agreement and Parent Permission form for wireless Communications Devices. These are available from the main office. Cell phones must be turned off and kept in lockers and not turned on until exiting the bus. Any violation of the agreement causes the principal to revoke the right to have a cell phone for the student.
● Parents should turn their phones to vibrate or off upon entering the school building.
● Lockdown/Evacuation/Extreme Weather Drills – During drills no one is allowed to enter or exit the building. If you are in the building during emergency drills, you must join a class and follow the expectations communicated by a staff member.
● Fire Drills – If you are in the school during a fire drill, you should leave with the class or nearest teacher and be added to a class roster. Please do not leave the property until the completion of the drill. More about the policies that guide us for fire and crisis drills can be found at pdf
Selection of Instructional Materials – Parents/guardians have the right to inspect any instructional materials, regardless of format, used as part of the educational curriculum. For further information about this policy:
Sexual Harassment of Students:
Sexual harassment will not be tolerated among students of the Trumbull Public Schools, and any form of sexual harassment is forbidden, whether by students, supervisory or non-supervisory personnel, individuals under contract, or volunteers in the schools. Students shall exhibit conduct which is respectful and courteous to employees, to fellow students, and to the public. The policy for this can be found at:
Smoking Products, Tobacco Products, Drugs and Alcohol (Student Use):
TPS prohibits the use and/or possession by students of all smoking products, tobacco products, drugs, and alcohol in all facilitates operated by the Board of Education (BOE), on school grounds when school is in session and during any activity sponsored by the BOE, on transportation vehicles under the jurisdiction of the BOE, and during any school sponsored activity. The use and/or possession of electronic nicotine delivery systems and vapor products is also “prohibited.” More information related to this policy can be found at: _Products_Tobacco_Products_Drugs_and_Alcohol.pdf
Student Data Protection:
The Trumbull Public Schools may enter into a contract with a third party for either or both of the following purposes:
1. To provide services, including Cloud-based services, for the digital storage, management, and retrieval of student records.
2. To provide digital educational software that authorizes a third-party provider of digital educational software to access, store, and use student records in accordance with the contractual provisions. More information can be found at:
Student Network/Internet Use:
Technology use has an important role in teaching and learning. Each parent and child is expected to follow the expectations of district Internet use. During the first week of school each year, students and parents are asked to review our policy and sign an Internet/Network Usage Agreement Form. More information can be found at:
Supervision Before and After School:
● Students should not be on school grounds without parental supervision before 8:20 or after 3:35. ● Please do not bring students back to school after 3:35 for forgotten items, as there is no staff available to escort you to classrooms or supervise children.
Toys at School
The basic rule is; If it is not used to educate in the classroom, do not bring it.
Collectible cards (i.e.. Pokeman,), toys, Slime, Rubric Cubes, Yoyos and electronic games are not allowed.
With the advance permission of the classroom teacher children can bring a toy for “share time”. Please contact the classroom teacher if you have questions about toys.
Visiting the School:
● All visitors must report to the office or security guard when visiting the school. Please be ready to provide a picture ID (driver’s license or passport). You need to obtain a visitor’s label, wear the label in the building, sign in and sign out at the front desk or with the security guard. The office will call into the classroom prior to sending you to the classroom. Parents are not allowed to go to classrooms unless an appointment has been made. Please read the TPS Visitor Policy: ● Please silence cell phones as they are a distraction to the learning environment.
● If your child has forgotten something that is an absolute necessity, the secretary will call them to retrieve the item to minimize disruption to the classroom. We ask that you carefully plan for all necessary items the night before school.
Volunteering in School:
Please carefully read the TPS Volunteer Policy, which is in place to create a safe secure school environment. All volunteers must complete the volunteer form found at:
Complete this form and send it to Jane Ryan School main office. The secretary will send your forms to the appropriate individual at Long Hill. These forms need to be completed each school year. Each family member that wants to work in a classroom or at a school based activity, including PTA sponsored events (during school hours) must complete a volunteer form. If you are not on the DCF cleared volunteer or chaperon list, then you cannot come into the school and work with children.
Weather Information
● An emergency weather form will be sent home with your child on the first day of school. Please be sure you have a plan for emergency situations (i.e. early dismissals due to weather or other conditions). ● Our town emergency system, Alert Now, is in place. It immediately notifies you if there is any change in the school schedule (i.e. early dismissal, delayed opening or school closing due to weather or any other reason). Please check for early dismissal and school closings on WICC, WEBE 108 and Channel WTNH 8 News. Please make sure your email and telephone numbers are up to date on Infinite Campus, as TPS will “eblast” information, too. You can also check the district’s website:
● Breakfast and lunch are served on unscheduled Early Dismissal Days (i.e. snow days).
Parent Signature Page
SIGN AND RETURN TO SCHOOL by Friday, September 23rd, 2023
Student’s Name:_______________________________
Student’s Teacher:_____________________________
I have read the 2023-2024 Jane Ryan School Student/Parent Handbook and have discussed these policies with my child.
Print Name Date
My parent/guardian has read the 2023-2024 Jane Ryan School Student/Parent Handbook and has discussed these policies with me.
Student Signature Date