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One of the best ways to enhance your experience at Jane Ryan is to become involved in your school community. Studies show that parent and student involvement in education increases your child's chances for success in school and in life. Joining the Jane Ryan PTA is a great way to support your child and our school! The PTA is a national non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the well being of children, youth, and families for over 100 years. As a PTA member, there are many opportunities for you to become involved. Start by joining the Jane Ryan PTA and feel free to contact any of the officers if you have any questions, comments or would like to volunteer. Please use the Jane PTA webpage as a tool to get the latest information regarding the PTA events and activities at Jane Ryan.


  • To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting children;

  • To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children;

  • To encourage parent and public involvement, in the public schools of this nation


  • To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community and place of worship.

  • To raise the standards of home life.

  • To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth.

  • To bring into closer relation the home and school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth.

  • To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and spiritual education.

You can visit the National PTA website by clicking here: